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Why use ICTs in the classroom?

Reason 3: ICTs allow students, families and teachers to effectively communicate and collaborate between home and school.


Students in the class are often misplacing their 'Home-Communication Books', to resolve this; our classroom has adopted an ICT approach. This ICT approach entails teachers to personally send the students’ family up to date information, such as relevant notes, what the student learnt for the day/week, student results, photographs, newsletters and so on. There will be an option for the families to receive all this through the old method if they that is more personally suitable. However, we emphasis the use of the ICT method as it is quicker, cheaper, and a simpler means of communicate between home and school.


The Australian Curriculum (2015) states that, ‘ICTs support the rapid communication and representation of knowledge to many audiences, such as parents and care givers, students, families, and teachers’.


Utilizing Technology to Improve Parent-Teacher  Communication

Watch this video for more information on ICTs and Communication.

Additional Resources

Using ICT to Enhance Home-School Links

Read this document for more information on ICTs and Communication.

Robyn Jackson



Robyn Jackson, principal of Maryborough SPS has discovered the key to giving students with learning difficulties more opportunities in the classroom, and it's all due to the introduction of ICT.

Robyn has incorporated ICTs such as email, live messaging and text, therefore giving students, families, and teachers the opportunity to communicate effectively between home and school.





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